Cutting Carbs? We are able to substitute out our brown rice or sweet potato mash for more veggies. Just let us know.

Don't eat red meat or poultry? We offer seafood options.

Try our vegan options. We substitute our weekly protein option for a vegan option.

No Sodium..or any other restrictions…..
Doctors orders? We have clients who are on strict eating plans and need assistance with their meals. We take your doctors orders on what you can have and we create delicious meals for you to enjoy without the stress of shopping and trying to cook every day. Focus on family time and leave the cooking to me.

A1C? Health Issues?
Most recently I had the privilege to help a client who had various health issues. The Doctor said they needed to bring their A1C levels down. One year later and this client had reached their health goals and went from being stuck in a wheel chair to walking around and back to work.

Weight Gain?
Some of my clients need to gain some weight and I am here to help with these meals as well. Not every client that comes to me needs to drop weight. I create meals with a healthy balance of fats, carbs and proteins.